To join, simply fill out the form below so I know who you are and can list you on the site, using the e-mail address at which you'd like us--and visitors--to send you feedback and info, and put "Member of the Trent Faction" in your e-mail signature. If you wish, also put our URL in your sig (, so others can join as well. No special initiation ceremony, nothing to buy; if you've listened to NIN without committing suicide or seen so much Gundam Wing that you can name Zechs' favorite color, you're more than qualified. ^_^ Extra bonus brownie points if you've written or are writing GW fanfiction using NIN music, or creating GW fanart centered around NIN; we are more than happy to host your work here, and I'm sure it will feel right at home. Non-GW fanfiction/art also accepted! ^_^ You'll get feedback from our members and hopefully from visitors to the site as obsessed with NIN and anime as you. ^_^ Also, please note whether you want to be notified when updates are made to the site, like when new fics are put up. Thanks--and welcome!

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