Technophobia by Angel Ikari

pairings: 6x1/1x6, 13x6/6x13, 13x6x1/1x6x13, various others
warnings: yaoi, lemon, angst, language, Heero-abuse
notes: ::words::=song lyrics

1 | 2: Final Blindness | 3: Let Forever Be | 4: Sex | 5: Kid A | 6:Closer | 7: That's All

e-mail the author | Angel Ikari's Shrine to Heero | back to archive

Mandatory Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is owned by Bandai, Sotsu, Sunrise, and others; this author does not claim to own any part of it or of any of these artists or their work. The author is making no money from this story so please don't sue.